Gladys Poorte, Artist

Buenos Aires

Austin, Texas
About the artist

  Born: Cordoba, Argentina, 1960
  Lives and works in Houston, Texas.


 1997 - 2001University of Texas at Austin, Studio Arts
 1996 - 1997Austin Community College, Studio Arts
 1993 - 1994Carnegie Museum of Art School, Pittsburgh, PA
 1985 - 1986M.Ed. in Adult Education, Pennsylvania State University
 1978 - 1983BA Instituto Nacional Superior del Profesorado, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Selected Exhibitions:

Solo Exhibits

 2023Tank Space at Sawyer Yards, Houston, Texas
 2022Redbud Gallery, Houston, Texas
 2021Davis Gallery, Austin, Texas
 2017Community Arts Center, Forth Worth, Texas
 2012Community Arts Center, Forth Worth, Texas
 2010D Berman gallery, Austin, Texas
 2008Hooks Epstein Gallery, Houston, Texas
 2007Fairmount Gallery, Dallas, Texas

Group Exhibits

 2023Art Museum TX Sugarland, Sugarland, TX
 2023 April ALMAAHH (Advocates of a Latino Museum of Cultural and Visual Arts & Archive Complex in Houston, Harris County) “We are Houston” Juried exhibition, Houston, TX
 2022Art Museum TX, Sugarland, Texas, Texas Sculpture Group
 2022City of Houston. Permanent collection at Hobby airport
 2022Arte Latino Now 2022. Queens University of Charlotte, North Carolina (virtual)
 2021Art Essex. New York, New York (virtual)
 2021Arte Latino Now 2021. Queens University of Charlotte, North Carolina
 2019Austin City Hall People’s Gallery, Austin, Texas
 2019Assistance League of Houston, Texas (juror: Jennie Goldstein, Assistant Curator Whitney Museum of American Art, NY city)
 2018“Night Vision”, Davis Gallery, Austin, Texas
 2018Center for Contemporary Arts National Juried Competition, Abilene, Texas (Juror: James Surls)
 2016“Seeking Surreal”, Davis Gallery, Austin, Texas
 2015Assistance League of Houston, Texas (juror: Dean Sobel, Director, Clyfford Still Museum, Denver, Colorado)
 2014Davis Gallery two person show, Austin, Texas
 2014Austin City Hall
 2013Hunting Art Prize finalist
 2012Assistance League of Houston, 2nd prize winner
 2011Austin City Hall
 2011Hunting Art Prize finalist
 2011D Berman gallery group show, Wimberley, Texas
 2011Louisiana Purchase: National Biennial Juried Exhibition, Louisiana Tech University, Louisiana
 2010D Berman Gallery 10th anniversary show, Austin, Texas
 2009Texas Biennial 2009
 2007Dougherty Art Center, Austin, Texas
 2007vtrue gallery, San Antonio, Texas
 2007Beeville Art Museum, Beeville, Texas
 2006D Berman gallery, Austin, Texas
 2005D Berman gallery, Austin, Texas
 2003Studio2 Gallery, Austin, Texas
 20032040 Gallery, Austin, Texas
 1999Women Printmakers of Austin Annual Show, Austin, Texas
 1999Art in Public Places, Austin, Texas

 2013 Hunting Art Prize finalist
 2012 Assistance League of Houston, 2nd prize winner (Juror: Robin Clark, Curator Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego)
 2011 Hunting Art Prize finalist (jurors: Rachael Blackburn Cozad, Director, Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art, Kansas City, Missouri, Carol Damian, Director, Patricia and Phillip Frost Art Museum, Florida International University, Miami; and Julien Robson, Curator of Contemporary Art, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia
 2009 Texas Biennial (Juror: critic and independent curator Michael Duncan)


-Austin American Statesman, Nov 7 2014 by Luke Quinton
“Poorte paints landscapes of futuristic shapes, springs, gears set either on a wide, nondescript plane or in an eerily-lit room that resembles a theater’s backstage…

…There’s a lot for the viewer’s imagination to play with here. And it’s a pleasant surprise that Poorte’s visions extend into three dimensions, with a whimsical sculpture and a diorama buried inside a box, which is only visible through a series of fisheye lenses. With the box, you move around, from one window-lens to the next, tracking the scene of fantastical objects each time from a new vantage point.”
-East Austin Studio Tour 2011 catalog, p.118 (full page ill.)
-East Austin Studio Tour 2011 catalog, p.49 (ill.)
-2009 Biennial card catalog
-Studio Visit Magazine, vol 1, 2008 (Juror: Michael Lash, former Director of Public Arts for the City of Chicago)
-Austin Chronicle, Sep. 8 2006 by Nikki Moore
-Austin American Statesman, July 7 2005 by Jeanne Claire van Ryzin
-Artl!es, Summer 2005 by Rebecca S. Cohen

Represented by:

 Davis Gallery, Austin, Texas

 Represented in numerous private collections in the US, Argentina, and Great Britain

Copyright ©, 2025 Gladys Poorte